New Richard Osman murder mystery

I went into Toppings bookstore intending to buy Remarkably bright creatures by Shelby Van Pelt, but walked out with a signed hardback version of the newest Richard Osman murder mystery. It was an impulsive purchase but I am glad I bought the book. After a day of reading, I am halfway through the story and have enjoyed every minute of it. It is not a challenging read. Designed to be funny and heartwarming, it revolves around a group of retirees who meet to solve unsolved crimes. The pace is nonstop and the fun is too. I will return to more serious reading after finishing this delightful book.

After watching me knit my cardigan, my daughter, who is two and a half years, has started asking me to teach her. She loves the yarn, but I do worry about the knitting needles so I think I might try teaching her to knit with her fingers first. It is good to encourage her interests. She also is pretending to be a ballerina, so we have started looking into toddler classes in the nearby area. Her cousins in the USA also dance and her Aunt here in the UK does ballet, so she will have good examples in her family.

I worked on my application this morning and am quite pleased with the result. I feel that I am a good fit for the advertised role, but I expect there will be a lot of competition for the position. I hope I will get an interview.

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